Let’s define what an abundant life is; without a true understanding, it is impossible to obtain. Abundant living is having possession and riches but not just in monetary value but self-love, love for others, great health, great relationships, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, understanding, happiness and giving back. If one is lacking; one is not living an abundant life. Why do you think there are millionaires who have all the possessions and still are looking for something outside themselves to make them happy, it no accident? Nothing or no one can make you truly happy, they can only Be a part of your happiness, things and people only bring temporary happiness, true love for God is everlasting happiness and you then enjoy the things and people that are added which Jesus spoke about.
Since I have learned that God dwells inside me, I now look inside me and have learned how to listen to my Spirit. I know that God can do all things, not some things but ALL things if you believe. God wants us to act like children do; they depend on their parents to support them and they are always happy with what they have. That’s our role as children of God, He expects us to totally depend on him and be happy; this is how we truly glorify God.
One thing that you can count on is that the road to success will not always be straight, there will be times when you come across bumps in the road that warns you to slow down before you cross them, there will be times when you see signs that tells you to detour and you must know to go another way, there will be times when you arrive at a red light and you must come to a complete stop before you start again. You must be able to connect spiritually in order to follow these signs; they are for your good. Detour signs build character and keep you safe; it’s easy to have faith when things are balanced, but the moment you are challenged with what looks to be adversity it shows who you really are and what your faith is in. Remember NO, CAUSION, DETOUR, STOP only means you need to do something different or there is something better or maybe not now. Nothing is never final unless you say it is. You are equipped with everything you need for your journey; use your inner navigation system to guide you (Spirit of God that’s in you), we all have it, it’s everywhere all the time and knows everything. Jesus said he will show you everything, I am a witness!! There were things that were revealed to me that only the people involve knew it had to come from God! Allow God to use you.
Only you decide if you fail or succeed, you don’t give anyone that power. Parents, sibling, boss, peer, friends, children,wife, or husband only you decide, so write your own story and create your happiness to live the life you desire. There will be people to say some of these things below to you and about you, these are people with poor self-images, gossips, needs approval of others, uses other people name for something they’re afraid to say (they said or she said) try to clones others to agree with them, has poor belief systems and tries to get others to agree on their beliefs about success; manipulation is there tacked. I guess this would be known as the wolf appearing to be a sheep.
Just Show Them Anyway!!!
1. I don’t know if you can do it, I say just do it anyway.
2. Find fought in what you are doing. I say great job, just do it anyway.
3. Dig holes for you to fall in. I say just love them and help them out of the hole anyway.
4. Always gossiping about you and slandering you name. Show love anyway.
5. Always the victim and VERY negative, I say just be positive and accountable anyway
6. Says who does he/she think they are; I say just show them who you are anyway.
Here are my 13 characteristic of people with great self-physical and mental images.
1. They talk about God’s love for them more than their love for God.
2. They are not afraid of failure- they understand failure only means try something different or not right now or maybe there’s something better.
3. Steps outside their comfort zone, never settles, get what they want, they have the I can do it attitude.
4. Very Motivated- their motivation comes from within
5. Very inspirable- people are inspired by listening to them, and they attract inspirable people that inspire them.
6. Very enthusiastic- they energize others
7. Very Confident/ high self-esteem- there esteem comes from knowing who they are and not caring who others think they are.
8. Not afraid to say No!
9. Love helping others- they understand the power in helping others, showing gratitude.
10. Radiate Excellence- always doing their best, they expect excellence
11. They have Fun! They know it’s really not that serious. lol
12. Dream Big, Bigger- they understand big picture thinking, they know God gave them dominion over everything
13. Passionate- they love what they do, and do what they love.
14. Very optimistic
So dare to dream and believe that you are worth and deserving of whatever you desire or something better; affirm it. You are capable of doing more than you can imagine if you look inside of yourself for Ability.
Once you realize that you have a power in you that has never made a mistake in anything that it does you can guarantee it will be there for you. That is the power that Jesus called on. Don’t try to make things make sense from looking out of your natural/carnal eyes, but look out of your spiritual eyes. God will arrange people and circumstance that will be for your good. You will know it was nothing you did but a power greater than you. Stop swimming against the wave and begin to swim with the wave of life, it is much easier. Like the ocean have waves in it, when you see this you say look at the waves in the ocean, knowing if it wasn’t for the ocean there would be no waves, same body of water pushing the wave, same source. God is in you, meaning you have access to a greater power that does all and know all, use it! God dwells at the center of your being, God is not separate from you, Jesus said I am in the father and the father is in me; I am in you and you are in me, no separation.
What keeps me knowing and believing the things I ask for I have; I ask myself this? Do you believe what God said he would do YES or NO? Yes I do, then trust and know it is done. Then I say thank you, thank you, thank you.