Enthusiasm Every Day
Mark Gleason
Are you searching out wisdom? If yes, it’s searching for you as well. Today and every day forward will become what you decide to make it. Are you ready for your daily dose of energy?
January 1. You Are
Think what you are;
(As some even say),
You are what you think, either way.
It might be best to say, “It’s okay to get better each day!”
January 14. Set Sail Cautiously
Dad always said, “The only ship guaranteed to sink is a partnership.”
Not sure if that’s 100 percent for sure, but if you’ve experienced a bad partnership, you can see how it just might hold water.
Some ground rules for establishing one that hopefully floats.
Have written rules, a manual while at sea.
Stick by the rule in the roughest of waters.
Be fair; everyone in the boat must row equally.
Make sure the plan’s original objective is seaworthy.
If heavy winds come upon someone’s boat, help everyone to shore quickly.
No partner is an island or can be expected to do it all.
After reviewing these rules, maybe you should consider
A short cruise instead of
A long, seasick journey.
February 8. Family and Happiness
Two (2)
Important branches
To hang
You’re climbing
Call success. Family and Happiness.
February 12. Friendships
His or her
March 6. Everyone Thinks They’ve Got the Answer
Simply offering situations without solutions is like trying to ride a bike without a chain;
It’ll get you nowhere.
It’s like offering a diagnosis without being curious about the cause.
March 28. Logic Would Say
Ignore all the logic of those screaming at you,
“It absolutely won’t work.”
Trust that one reason why it will—you.
So many people today hammer away at what you do,
Letting you know if you do it their way, it might work,
But any other way is not in the cards.
They don’t know you, do they?
April 22. An Opinion
Everyone’s got one and most people are always sharing it with the world.
You might be saying, “An opinion, right?”
Maybe it would make more sense if every day we could all share only one bit of advice.
According to leading psychologists, IQ accounts for just 20 percent of success:
EQ (emotional quotient) is actually where it’s at.
Motivation, empathy, and social skills are the other 80 percent to work on.
Today, get motivated and socialize and fire up.
It’s part of your IQ.
May 9. Oh, No One
Depending on yourself—that’s happiness.
Depend on no one—that allows great independence.
May 19. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
It is one thing to woulda, coulda, shoulda all over yourself.
It is a whole other thing for someone else to woulda, coulda, shoulda all over you.
The moral of the story is
Keep criticism to yourself, the person who more than likely needs it most.
All you need is love.
June 4. The Rung of Success
June 8. Conversations with Yourself
Listen to yourself.
You are your own biggest advocate.
Heal with humor and the help of yourself.
Of the 57,000 conversations we enjoy within ourselves daily, just who else do you really expect to
Listen to?
You can heal yourself by listening to yourself.
Listen up.
July 27. Those Reasons
Stop right where you are today and answer this:
Do you have what you want?
Or do you have a list loaded with reasons why you don’t?
List of possible reasons why you’re not successful.
The interest rates
The market
Your boss
The rules
No one understands.
One item missing on the excuse list,
Probably the most important one,
August 15. Which Side Is Yours?
Their group
Your group.
One accomplishes,
One claims they do.
Which is
That’s the
September 25. The Grudge Match Within
A wise old man once said, “Holding a grudge and expecting it to change something or someone for you, is like drinking poison and expecting the other person or thing at fault to be sickened.”
Get over it doesn’t mean forget it, but it means release the other person and stop holding grudges.
You will benefit by releasing the grudge match that’s within you.
October 6. Hula-Hoop
When you feel like life has you jumping through hoops,
Consider this:
Maybe the world just knows you’re good at Hula-Hoop.
Shake your booty.
October 21. Bigger than Life
I’ve had friends who were bigger than life.
Their aura of greatness shined through with blinding light.
I knew they were near before they’d appear.
But once they are gone I was lucky to just have seen them here.
I love you my many friends, till we meet again, thanks for being my friend.
November 13. See It
A wise, blind man enjoys his knowledge
While never needing to see it to believe in it.
November 23. Yes, You Can
Am I?
I am.
They said you couldn’t do it.
They said you shouldn’t try.
I guess they didn’t know you, and that’s the reason why
You’ll never be known as a failure, just as long as, yes, you try.
Failure isn’t final. Defeat doesn’t mean you’re beat.
Almost anything is possible—but first you’ve got to try.
Never give up.
I have faith in you.
December 10. It’s Your Move
When you live in the city called Limited City,
Your stuff will never get on the moving truck headed to a better location called
New Heights.
December 14. Your Voice
We’re all given a vocal chord,
Let’s not use it wrong and strike a chord.
Life’s best answer is, many times, left unsaid.
It’s the reverse of use it or lose it—
Don’t use it or you might lose it.