Choosing to Live

Enduring the Loss of a Loved One

by Jerry D. Campbell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/19/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781480810136
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781480810150
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781480810143

About the Book

When Jerry D. Campbell met his co-worker Veta, there was a policy that forbade employees from dating each other. Of course, they broke it – and ended up being sweethearts for forty-seven years.

But when Veta died in April 2010, she left behind a husband devastated by grief. By forcing himself to work through it, he was able to deal with his loss while still enjoying life.

If you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, you can’t run away from it. In this guidebook to working through loss, you’ll learn how to:

• develop a grief calendar that will help you cope with loss;

• maintain a positive attitude as you work through new challenges;

• continue to go about daily life even though you may be alone.

You’ll also learn about the five stages of grief identified by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and why the author thinks it’s necessary to get to a sixth stage – one he identifies as growth.

By knowing what to expect when a loved one dies and seeing what worked for the author, you’ll find it easier to work through your own loss by Choosing to Live.

About the Author

Jerry D. Campbell is a retired United Methodist clergyman and former president of Claremont School of Theology. He is also founding president of Claremont Lincoln University, a graduate university dedicated to teaching individuals to lead and collaborate across the religious, cultural, and many other differences that separate individuals, communities, and nations.