In Full Bloom

by Theo Gene Thibodeaux Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/20/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781480816237
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781480816220
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781480816213

About the Book

We hold close to our hearts many things, for some it is our religious practice, I encourage all to practice with such an intensity and focus that one day they will no longer have to practice.


Christian churches teach the ultimate reward of heaven—where one spends eternity in the presence of God—can be procured by righteous actions preformed while living here on earth. It’s the concept of being a good boy or girl, and you will be rewarded in the sweet bye and bye. Yet in the Bible, Christ speaks of the kingdom of God being at hand and that the presence of God is within. If these words are true, why are we so discombobulated by the process of life itself?


Author Theo Gene Thibodeaux Jr. sought to answer that question and to experience God directly in his lifetime. In Full Bloom is the story of his journey to find the answer in an orthodox system, namely the Catholic Church, the church he was born into. Each chapter of this often-humorous and strikingly personal story shares glimpses into the author’s rediscovery of himself. Learn how after years of study, fasting, church attendance, and prayer, Thibodeaux was rewarded with Christ consciousness, a state of absolute rest, where there are no thoughts and one is able to act without being influenced by action. It is a life in full bloom.

About the Author

Theo Gene Thibodeaux Jr. studied for the priesthood in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. He now lives in Houston, Texas, where he has conducted business at Thib’s Package Store for the last forty-five years. To better understand people of the world, he devotes a great deal of time studying comparative religions.