A Preview of Jesus’s Seminal Teachings and Leadership

by Isaac Kinuthia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/26/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781480836983
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781480836976

About the Book

A Preview of Jesus’s Seminal Teachings and Leadership opens the pages of the four gospels, sharing their witness with devoted Bible students and inquisitive readers. It highlights the essential messages of Jesus’s instructions for his followers and the central examples of his leadership for all who desire to obtain eternal life through his death and resurrection.

Building upon years of personal study of the Scriptures and years of living as a Christian, Isaac Kinuthia brings to bear his background growing up in Kenya and studying and living in the United States as he shares a summary of Jesus’s words and deeds.

Compactly written chapters address a variety of topics, including the lordship of Jesus, the promise of heaven, Jesus’s take on the Bible, the Ten Commandments, loving others, the sanctity of life, the power of prayer, the challenges presented by evil spirits, the reality of judgment, and Jesus second coming.

A Preview of Jesus’s Seminal Teachings and Leadership provides a thumbnail sketch of Jesus’s essential teachings and his acts of leadership for devoted Bible students and individuals drawn to the only man who defeated death.

About the Author

Isaac Kinuthia has no theological education, training, or background. He is a professional licensed civil engineer in Michigan and Wisconsin. Isaac recommends reading the Bible to learn more about Jesus. Isaac grew up and obtained his high school education in Kiambu Kenya. Isaac holds a bachelor of science in civil engineering from Michigan Technological University. This book was written to test fulfilling, supplementing, or proving EB1 requirements. This book also helps to record what Isaac tried to follow regarding Jesus while growing up in Kiambu Kenya.