
In God We Trust

by Frank Logan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/27/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781480856110
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781480856127

About the Book

David McClurry presents his latest invention, a type of radio-frequency identification (RFID) device, before the department of commerce in June of 2035. Though very interested by the potential applications of this new hardware in an effort to improve the American economy, the department decides to pass on David’s project. Their decision prompts him to try his luck in politics and launch the Americou Political Party three years later. Notwithstanding the lack of campaign and advertisement funds, McClurry runs for president in the fall of 2038. His political party is in limbo after an unexpected arrest and is beaten by John Morey of the Democratic Party. David is sentenced to ten years in federal prison for having avenged the murder of a friend. As Morey comes across David’s project the following summer, he sets him free from prison temporarily and asks him to run The Chip, hopefully improving the economy. Aware of Morey’s scheme and unable to fully carry out the Democrats’ plan, David McClurry becomes the new dictator of the United States and the new leader of an unprecedented postcapitalist world.

About the Author

Following the success of The Confabulators, Frank Logan comes back with his second novel, a political sci-fi story, which couldn’t be any closer to the current state of affairs in politics as well as emerging technologies in computer hardware. Having obtained a Ph.D. in the field of mathematics with a thesis on the Riemann Hypothesis, he works as a hedge fund manager for one of the top firms in Manhattan while writing techno thrillers in his spare time. He currently lives in New York City.