The Waning of the West: An Inconvenient Truism

The Political Philosophy of a Conscientious Dissenter

by Peter J. Sandys



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/18/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 788
ISBN : 9781480874442
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 788
ISBN : 9781480874435

About the Book

The Waning of the West: An Inconvenient Truism offers a comprehensive, geopolitical and philosophical commentary on global politics following the Cold War. Author Peter J. Sandys presents a series of extensive analyses on social and political movements and what kinds of challenges face the West in the twenty-first century.


Sandys gives what he describes as a politically incorrect examination of political philosophy and the socialist transformation of the West. He’s critical of the present Western political arrangement and, after analyzing the different systems, offers recommendations as to the methods of solving the readily apparent impasse. Topics include:


  • the screenplay of the Velvet Revolution;
  • European federalism under German leadership;
  • Russia’s newly found old identity;
  • a critique of democracy;
  • a critique of socialism;
  • a critique of modern conservatism; and
  • deteriorating social values.


The Waning of the West: An Inconvenient Truism delivers Sandys’ thoughts on the rejection of liberal democracy and the condemnation of the Western elite. It goes on to outline a new system termed “the essential option” that has the manners, values, and qualities associated with meritorious aristocracy and is intended to gently steer Western culture and politics onto a more sustainable course.

About the Author

Peter J. Sandys earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Budapest and completed the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Program. Sandys arrived in the United States in 1973, earned an MBA from Loyola Marymount University and a doctoral degree in international business from the University of California. He held various engineering and project management positions mostly in the US aerospace industry. Retired, Sandys has one daughter and lives in Germany.