God-Imagined Adventures

Devotional Stories

by Jeff Zirkle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781480874411
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781480874428

About the Book

Are you enjoying a God-imagined life, fulfilling dreams and leaving a contagious legacy worth inheriting? Or are you only following your own imagination, pursuing mundane and hollow worldly paths that lead to only temporary success and limited joy?

God-Imagined Adventures is a series of real-life experiences and examples sure to inspire you to dream and live as God imagines. Jeff "Coach" Zirkle will encourage you through these real stories, showing you all the joys and challenges that come in the seasons of life and in biblical principles that will work. You will learn how to build a healthy spirit, mind, and body, gaining intimacy in relationships and improving finances as you enjoy a servant lifestyle. Coach Zirkle's real-life stories will broaden the possibilities of your life and comfort your heart. His amusing life encounters can uplift your soul as you laugh and relive family adventures and Christmas stories; walking with characters in the biblical stories of Jesus's birth will also provide fresh insights and inspire imaginative celebrations of faith and goodwill.

With God-Imagined Adventures, you will gain valuable insight to key questions in life, overcome and thrive in tough times, and pursue God-sized dreams as you fulfill your destiny. Above all, these adventurous life stories will connect your heart to God's love, truth, joy, hope, and destiny. So read and take the dare--live as God imagines you!

About the Author

Jeff "Coach" Zirkle is a passionate and contagious follower of Jesus Christ, and he is full of imagination and energy. He recently retired as an ordained member of the clergy of the United Methodist Church, where he served for forty-three years. Also married for forty-three years, Jeff and his wife, Pam, are enjoying two married children, their spouses and two young grandchildren, and God-imagined retirement adventures.