
The Neighborhood That Made Me

by Joe G. Bax



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/4/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781480869929
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781480869943
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781480869936

About the Book

While observing the childhood of his grandsons, Joe G. Bax realized that his own childhood stood in stark contrast to theirs, and his childhood could never be repeated. Contemporary children, completely supervised and engulfed in technology, could never imagine a childhood of complete freedom, limited only by the boundaries of your imagination. Bax grew up in Meadowbrook, a subdivision in Houston, Texas. Meadowbrook would best be described as a neighborhood designed for the free and unimpeded flow of kids and dogs. On balance, it was an ordinary neighborhood of average families. Yet, those people would make a lasting impression on the children who were fortunate to grow up there. Collectively, Meadowbrook rose to the top as the most influential force in the development of its children. Bax walks you back in time. Using his adolescent voice, he takes you through the pains and joys of his adolescence, ages 5 to 12, during a much simpler time, 1953 to 1961. Let the author guide you through a different era, when respect and tolerance were a given. Discover first hand, how a young boy actually learned of war, college, sex and race. A chronic eavesdropper who relished adult conversations, Bax will show the reader the true educational process at work. Contemporary parents will be amazed at the geographic freedom of an entire generation. As you join this stroll down the streets and alleys of Meadowbrook, be prepared for a lot of humor, some interesting characters and more than a few touching moments.

About the Author

Joe G. Bax, a product of Meadowbrook in Houston, Texas, lives in San Antonio with his wife, Michele. He graduated from the University of Houston and Texas A&M University with a bachelor's in American history and a master's in Southern history. He also earned a doctorate of jurisprudence. He has written many nonfiction articles and two historical novels: The General and Monaville, Texas and A Texas Destiny, the Saga Begins. He and his wife have two daughters, Brittani and Courtney (deceased). He retired from the practice of law in 1994 and returned to his agrarian roots as a rancher until 2012.