Leadership through Group Process and Facilitating Skills
A Training Manual for Group Leaders
Book Details
About the Book
Whether you run board meetings, community groups, a family, a staff meeting or you teach, you are a group leader. But whether or not you are a good one is an open question.
Joan Haley, who has led groups and given presentations most of her professional life and studied educational theory and training, shares a proven process for effectively leading groups and provides many concrete techniques to facilitate learning.
She shares the Group Process Formula® which is a conceptual framework she developed to work with groups of any kind. The Formula is a failsafe structure ensuring leaders enjoy their groups and maximizes the learning of each participant.
Just as important, she reveals how a leader effectively facilitates learning so that participants feel the group is a safe place to work through their own process of self-discovery, and utilizes the power of the group as a whole to bolster that learning. Haley provides information to make sure participants walk away with newfound skills, attitudes and behaviors to use in their lives.
About the Author
Joan Haley earned a master’s degree in adult education and training and has three decades of experience training community, corporate, and emerging leaders in group process and facilitating skills and has held executive and managerial positions over two decades. She is a curriculum writer, group leader, teacher, and public speaker and is the creator of the Group Process Formula®, which serves as the model for many train-the-trainer programs.