George G. Whiz

Can I Have a Pet?

by Patricia Faith Polak



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781480897083
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781480897069
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781480897076

About the Book

George G. Whiz is a little boy with an active imagination that collects an enormous number of pets. He lives in a house on Nottingham Street, with his mother, father, and fifty-six feet – or at least at last count!

George loves pets more than anything and he dreams of one day becoming a veterinarian, and brave lion tamer, working in a zoo. Yearning for a larger menagerie of both familiar and extraordinary pets, he perseveres so enthusiastically for ‘twins’ and ‘trios of fleas’ and many wonderful creatures, that his parents worry that he has ‘Animal-itis’. But the Doc says, “George is fine!” Parrots have him eating his carrots, handling more chores, and George happily heads to school with his new pet, Noah, for a grand finale like no other!

Filled with rhymed laughter, this colorfully illustrated witty tale, about a boy named George, leads readers on a delightfully imaginative adventure. As George dreams of filling his home with a variety of pets, ordinary and extraordinary, his parents discover the advantages of George’s increasing menagerie, as he grows to be responsible and agreeable.

About the Author

Patricia Faith Polak is an award-winning poet, with a Master of Arts in writing, and a Master in Fine Arts, from Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York. This native New Yorker’s first book of poetry, Manhattan Melodies, shares the beauty and cultural diversity of New York, as a prism shares the colors of sunlight. Patricia’s published works appear in Poet Lore, the Lullwater Review, and elsewhere. Her poem “Absent War, Absent Conflict,” on Picasso’s painting L’enfant au pigeon, was chosen for and read at the peace festival Spring Poetry Rain in Nicosia, Cyprus, in May 2012. A former teacher of gifted third graders, Patricia brings rollicking rhyme to her first children’s book, George G. Whiz: Can I have a pet? – about a child who just cannot get enough pets!