The Autobiography of Time

The Saga of Human Civilization: Ambition, Greed and Power from the Dawn of Man

by Neil Ray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/3/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 824
ISBN : 9781480899377
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 824
ISBN : 9781480899384
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 824
ISBN : 9781480899360

About the Book

When 9/11 occurred in front of Author's eyes in New York City, like millions of others he was tormented. Looking at the burning towers with unbearable pain and agony - a simple question struck him – why on earth are we in this crossroad of civilization? Although at that point it had started as an aimless query, later after 16 years of diligent research, he crystalized his thoughts, gaining a much broader perspective and inner-wisdom. In turn, it gave birth to his Magnus Opus - this book The Autobiography of Time.

It’s a non-fiction novel based on world history.

Time is the storyteller in this book, who narrates the saga of mankind to his son Beta; the events that Time has eye-witnessed – from Big Bang up to the end of Iraq War in 2011. Poring through the chapters, it precipitates both regressive and progressive pasts with latent emotions, and hopes to bring to surface the cause and effect of human actions - so that future generations can celebrate the state of true civilization.

As the curtain is raised not on any particular event, country or region; the stage is set on all that occurred concurrently in different parts of the planet; the events those are of import to civilization as we know - thus lending a flavor of every period to the readers, as it moves from one epoch to another. It’s an epic with a purpose.

This book covers mankind’s achievements, moments of glory and sheer good fortune, his innovations and exploration. It revives from oblivion very real anecdotes about key historical personalities. It is based on true stories that had transpired in the past and have shaped this planet – as we see it today.

It’s truly The Saga of Human Civilization; Ambition, Greed and Power from the dawn of man.

About the Author

A 20-21st Century philosopher, writer, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Neil Ray was born in a progressive intellectual family during the turbulent 1960s in India, which later represented the new wave of modern generations of that country. Son of a legendary law book author and a well-known Judge, he grew up watching his father burning his nights away in his crammed chamber — writing with impeachable integrity almost swallowed with stacks of books from floor to roof.
Neil decided to leave his beloved City of Joy – Calcutta (now Kolkata), India, during his Bohemian mid-20s, and after a short spell in the Middle East (Bahrain) and Canada (Toronto), he settled in the United States (Michigan) – the land of the free and the home of the brave. Apart from being a poet and a painter, he is also an avid reader and traveler. Having toured over twenty-five countries thus far, he has rubbed shoulders with the hoi polloi, sampled local cuisines and always sought to understand alien cultures and values. Married to one of the most beautiful women on earth — a lady of substance, they are blessed with two lovely children, and together they enjoy the beauty of silence and some finer aspects of life.
When 9/11 happened just before Neil’s eyes, like millions of others in New York City, he was tormented. The sight of the burning towers and the unbearable agony of those around, posed a simple question — why on earth are we in this crossroad of civilization? Although at that point it had begun as an aimless query, after 16 years of diligent research and after gaining a much broader perspective and inner-wisdom, he crystalized his thoughts. This gave birth to his Magnus Opus — this book ‘The Autobiography of Time.’