Disease “prevention” is without question preferable to having to accomplish a disease “cure.” Yet, most of us in the economically well developed parts of the world have unknowingly witnessed, over the past fifty years, a medical crisis in the making. In locations of less affluence, an alarming medical situation is spreading, like an epidemic, in slow motion. It is not a virus for which we could develop a vaccine. It is a medical crisis that for the most part could have been, and can still be, prevented. Meanwhile, in many respects both a prevention and a cure is at hand. The medical crisis has taken, and will continue to take, the lives of many hundreds of millions if not billions of people before the problem is aggressively addressed and solved.
The medical crisis that is already well established in much of the world is causing unnecessary suffering and premature death from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancers, and other very serious medical conditions and diseases. The cause? The food we eat and do not eat. Hundreds of scientific studies have proven that certain foods cause people to die decades before their time. More than two-thirds of all Americans will die an early death, deprived of a great many healthy and active years of life. Sadly, too many people don’t take this situation seriously until there is a personal crisis. By that time it is often too late to employ simple lifestyle enhancing practices. The last years of life can be so much better, happier, and healthier if people want them to be. It does not take much.
There are embedded monumental interests at work trying to keep us all from learning what we should know. Industries, associations, businesses, political interests, even the medical and pharmaceutical businesses benefit from our lack of knowledge about this worsening situation. One physician pointedly admonished me in the stairwell of his office complex, about an absolute solution to curing an untold number of human beings. He was visibly emotional as he stated that my advocacy for “The Plant Food Diet Miracle “ was bad for the medical business, the hospital business and the pharmaceutical business. These words, coming from a doctor, shocked me. I have since come to learn that this doctor’s reluctance to cure his patients simply, quickly and cheaply is regrettably commonplace in the medical profession, as you will learn further along in this book. But there are some physicians and medical professionals who have come to know what needs to be done. They are rediscovering the value, significance, and influence of what the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, taught so long ago: the miracle of a plant food diet.
The enemy is certain foods, the food industry, political headwinds, and the medical community. Do you even have an ally in this issue? Most leaders in industries, governments, and the medical community at large do not want you to know what you will come to understand from reading this book. They will hold strategy meetings to counter what you and an unknown number of people are learning so as to preserve their professional and economic status quo. The stage is being set for the earth’s largest “food fight.” The fight is not unlike the kind that took place to help educate the population about the causes and effects of certain lung diseases. To this day there are Pulmonary specialists who are loath to counsel patients to quit smoking. Indeed, there are certain similarities in the approaches taken by the medical community to fight smoking related diseases and those related to the standard American diet (SAD diet). Hundreds of thousands of businesses are at stake, as are an untold number of jobs. Many people are making a fortune selling us food that will eventually prematurely kill us. And an untold number of more people benefit from our lack of knowledge. They all have their hand out looking for uninterrupted fortunes to continue to flow their way at our health’s expense.
You will read some alarming, if not shocking, information in the book you are holding. As you read, it will all make sense to you. Yet, there will be occasional moments of disbelief, moments when you will feel shocked, taken advantage of, used, and actually positioned to be expendable.
What has been known by certain scientists and medical experts for over three decades still has not been widely disseminated. The many competing interests in the modern world want us to remain ignorant, obedient, and vulnerable. The need to know this information is great and overwhelming. It is unfathomable that we have many thousands of people needlessly dying every day, in the so called “westernized” regions of our world, due to this situation. Certain industries, including ones associated with medicine, are essentially aiding and abetting a massive, daily, perpetual, and growing epidemic unlike any that modern medicine has had to previously contend with. This growing dilemma is known only by a small percentage of all those who should know it well. Countless premature deaths are avoidable by those who have been kept in the dark to become unwitting participants in a massive money making endeavor. Is there a conspiracy? I will let you be the judge of that. The cause of certain widespread medical afflictions is one of the largest and most widespread in the history of the world. Am I exaggerating the seriousness of this issue? Not in my opinion. Not when so many people are “shined on” with words that make them feel comfortable that all is well, when it surely is not. Not when hundreds of millions of innocent people needlessly and prematurely suffer preventable deaths.
We, you and others, one-by-one, can decide to make choices that will make for living a much longer and healthier life. There are certainly some in the medical professions, few in number I hope, who would say that “a patient cured is a customer lost.” So much of the many “protocols”, treatments, and therapies are not designed to cure us of certain “cash cow” diseases, such as Type Two Diabetes, to mention but one. Instead of curing us within a few short weeks, we are led down a long health deteriorating path that saps huge sums of money from our medical coverage plans resulting in the suffering of miserable years of bad health and premature death. By way of example, emergency heart attack or stroke patients who survive the initial life threatening event are usually admitted to a hospital where certain life saving drugs are administered. Quite often stents or cardiovascular by-pass surgery is needed. Then, soon after admittance or surgery, the patient is given meal after meal consisting of the kinds of food that caused the cardiovascular disease, and life threatening event, in the first place. It is at best, unwitting continuous malfeasance. Read on to see what some knowledgeable physicians, who have a conscience, have said about this exponentially growing dilemma.
Welcome to “The Plant Food Diet Miracle.” This is your starting point for a new lifestyle that on average can add ten, twenty, or even thirty healthier years to your precious life.