Would we as citizens and as a country be in such awful shape if we had not renounced at some time, in some measure, or in some way, our own individual/personal responsibility to ourselves, to our family and friends, to our neighbors, and to our American society as a whole? The answer is of course not!.. the reason is that it is all connected; we are all connected. Despite the fact that terrorists, both foreign and domestic, have slaughtered and traumatized us, despite the fact that enemies both foreign and domestic have manipulated and take advantage of us, and despite the fact that governments both foreign and domestic have betrayed and used us, despite all this interconnectedness, had more individual citizens taken some or any of this personally, and chosen to do something to make a difference, some, possibly many, of the problems that exist in America today would not have been possible. Sadly, the majority of American citizens chose to do very little, if anything at all. I hope you agree that it is time for each of us to do something individually; namely, learn a new way to choose consciously and rationally with increasing consistency what is in our own best interest, and to transform this reactionary lifestyle we have unwittingly adopted due to the enormity of trauma inflicted on us Americans over the last 30 or 40 years. The sooner we accept this task/this challenge to transform Our Lives, the sooner we will develop proficiency for ourselves and thereby become better equipped to effectively help others. If we do not, then we are giving permission, by default, to allow anything to happen, including evil.
The program called YOUR LIFE, YOUR WAY! THE FOUNDATION 40 LIFESTYLE is the most effective tool I know to initiate and to accomplish a way of life and a way of functioning in this existence that not only heals this vicious divide within ourselves and within our nation, but uses it as fertile ground in which to thrive... choosing to act in a manner that suggests we are approaching some level of enlightenment or wisdom which is what the number 40 represents (at least within the Judeo-Christian ideology). The number 40 also represents the length of time (whether it be days or years) for transformation to take place. The Foundation 40 Lifestyle was designed to enable people to rediscover or discover for the first time a quality of life much more in line with their own best interests. Many of these healthy, positive interests were espoused by the founders of this country explicitly expressed in the United States Constitution, as well as in the Bill of Rights. It seems as if most Americans have forgotten this, as well as the ideals of our Birthright as Americans. It certainly seems as if it is time to reclaim Our Heritage, and quite possibly, we need a reminder of just what that Heritage is. In the spirit of transformation/renewal that is consistent with the best of American ideals, I offer this new acronym to confirm what America really is. AMERICA stands for: A- allegiance of; M-man and woman kind with; E-equal; R- rights and; I- Independence for; C- courageous; A-Achievement. This sounds about right to me, and certainly seems like something worth striving for!
It is time to explore Your Life, Your Way! The Foundation 40 Lifestyle., and see how it works. Welcome to the growing number of people who have realized that if we are going to have the quality of life we have always wanted, dreamt of, or hope for, and we as individuals must be more involved in bringing that about. The reality is that no one else can do it for us. Today’s social environment there is little that is conducive to the Fulfillment of most people’s hopes and dreams. The Foundation 40 Lifestyle is a tool designed to change all that! It gives us guidelines to create a high quality of life - a life much more in line with our own best interests. Who better to decide that then each one of us individually?... we are entitled to a life of our own rational choosing - a life that is continually changing for the better. The foundation 40 lifestyle program sets in motion the Dynamics of change for a happier and healthier life. As you will see, it does so in a very simple and effective way!
Your life was meant to be enjoyed. It was meant to be a gift. It is, however, going to take some work to undo that which was done to us or that which we somehow allowed to happen to us that was negative. If you work this program as it is outline, all of the positives aforementioned are yours for the taking. You will reap the benefits of living a life worth your time, effort, and energy... ENJOY! Enjoy your life as much as possible and help others to do the same.