Comforting the Bereaved Through Listening and Positive Responding

What Are the Bereaved Trying to Tell Us?

by Dr. Dee Stern L.C.P.C. PsyD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/27/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781665716246
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781665716253

About the Book

We don’t seem to handle grief very well—whether it’s our own or someone close to us.

Part of the problem is that we live in a death- denying society; where many people feel awkward using terms like death, dying, or dead. We rarely say that someone has died, and instead use metaphors to soften the blow.

This book helps families, friends, colleagues, and professionals to understand what someone who has lost a loved one is feeling. Topics include the death of a child, teen, adult/older adult, spouse, sibling, mentally challenged individuals, death of a pet and pets grieve too.

The author answers questions such as:

· Why are there fewer rituals surrounding death today?
· What do you say to someone who has lost a loved one?
· How long do the bereaved continue to grieve?
· What does it mean to be going through complicated grief?

Grief is the great equalizer, and no matter who or what we are, or how rich or poor, grief can bring us to our knees. But you can navigate it in a healthier way with the lessons in Comforting the Bereaved through Listening and Positive Responding.

About the Author

Dr. Dee Stern, L.C.P.C., Psy.D. is a grief therapist and chaplain at HSHS St. John’s hospital. She facilitates grief support groups, SOS (Survivors of Suicide-for families/friends who’s loved one has already completed a suicide), and a SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) support group. She has also taught psychology and death and dying courses on the college level. She has done individual counseling and served as a parish/bereavement minister at Little Flower Church. She wrote this book to help families, friends, colleagues, and professionals understand what the bereaved are experiencing and how to comfort them.