Our Personal Gaman:

A Poetic Palette in the Circle of Life

by Stephanie Kawada



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/21/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781665732406
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781665732390
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781665732413

About the Book

This anthology of poems depicts the story of our family—which has been dealt a certain deck of cards and is challenged to make choices—and it paints portraits of furry companions and people who have played important roles and who have made an impact in our lives. Weaving a poignant and inspiring story to describe our gaman, a Zen Buddhist term that expresses perseverance and discipline in the face of adversity, this conglomeration of poems aims to remind us to persevere and always move forward, despite arduous challenges, never allowing personal turmoil to occupy center stage.

About the Author

Having been told by a world-renowned authority that her only child diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disorder and organ involvement at the age of 12 will have an additional 5 years of life, the author describes how she and her husband decide to direct which path their daughter will follow. Using free-verse poetry, the author recounts her personal background as a young student, mother, and professional editor, and her family history as she weaves a poignant and inspiring story that aims to remind everyone to persevere and always move forward (the concept of which is captured in the word “gaman” in the book title). Despite a person’s challenges and afflictions, the author motivates her readers to never allow personal trials to command center stage and, most importantly, to choose to live and continue the journey in the circle of life.