The Prophecies

by Daniel Clay



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/16/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781665730891
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781665729765
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781665729772

About the Book

Daniel Clay is a mystic and sage who brings a divine message of warning, hope, and love to a world that is desperately in need. He first began his work of prophecy in 1983, forecasting the fall of the Berlin Wall, the uniting of East and West Germany, and the demise of Russia.
Divided into two sections, The Prophecies shares Daniel Clay’s fascinating foretellings, which were originally delivered in July 1996 from a meditative state. Within the first section, Clay offers prophecies for the global world concerning science, technology, health, climate change, geopolitical affairs, and terrorism. The second section contains poetic prophecy directed to specific nations in a style reminiscent of Nostradamus.
The Prophecies is a powerful collection of predictions originally shared in 1996 by a harbinger of the New Age as a way for humanity to avoid potential disasters and usher in a new epoch of Love and Wisdom.

About the Author

Mystic Daniel Clay was born into a conservative, deeply religious family. At an early age, his gifts for healing became known and he spent hours daily in prayer. The result was a wisdom far beyond his years and devotion to God that remains unquestionable. After predicting many world events in the early 1980s, he retreated into solitude, only to re-emerge in 1996 with The Prophecies.
As a forerunner of the New Epoch, Daniel Clay‘s mission is to proclaim Love and the efficacy of the same applied in Wisdom for a world that is desperately in need.