Twisted Love

by Robert Bigaouette



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/12/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781665741194
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781665741170
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781665741187

About the Book

“Twisted Love” is a work of fiction that tells the story of a deadly love triangle resulting from unconquerable obsession. Let's explore the dark recesses of human desire through plot and characterization. Tommy Landis is a young man of Italian and Irish descent who lives in Brooklyn, New York and works at a messenger center in Manhattan. He is an attractive man who seems to hide behind Woody Allen – like glasses and a shield of insecurity. As the story begins, he lives a lonely life, socializing mainly with his mother and other employees at his workplace while yearning for romance with the woman of his dreams. After trying his luck with answering a personal ad from the newspapers, Tommy is contacted by Crystal Farnsworth, a beautiful young woman with a similar yearning for love. They begin dating, and soon Tommy realizes that Crystal is the woman he has been waiting for; Crystal, on the other hand, realizes that Tommy is not her ideal man. Meanwhile, Tommy's attractive co-worker, Maria DeBlanco, has fallen in love with him, even though, he remain oblivious to her feelings while he fruitlessly chases Crystal. Tommy and Maria's attraction to individuals they cannot have devolves into obsession, and soon both are full-blown stalkers with the intent to kill. While a meaningful romance with each other is within their grasp, they choose to exchange sanity for insanity and romance for tragedy. Portraying the irrationality of obsession, “Twisted Love”, invites readers into the minds of two stalkers who begins with good intentions but end with murder. .........isn't love a bit twisted?..............

About the Author

Robert Bigaouette born on November 11th, 1965, in Brooklyn, New York. Robert's father took the family and moved to Oklahoma in 1978, Robert spent his teen years living in Oklahoma. He discovered MTV in 1981, but still trying to find himself as a 15 year old. He found his passion in songwriting in 1981, and in a way it was an outlet to allow his feelings out. Robert went back to New York City in 1984, and life went on to the 1990s. He realized that he had an interest writing books. All through the 1990s, Robert was working security jobs to make ends meet, working on the overnight, or the midnight shift to be able to have time to write. As Robert kept writing, he also realized he was quite diverse in his writing. Suspense thrillers, and poetry books, and in the early 2000s, children's books. Many years went by, to no prevail, as Robert worked feverishly looking for an agent, who would take him on with his writing he couldn't find an agent. Many years went by, on the verge of giving up, or taking a self publisher, (or a do it yourself publishing house), Robert just retreated, until 2022. While working at a security job, on the overnight, a good friend approached Robert at the lobby desk, in an office building with some good news. When he approached the desk, he told Robert about a self publishing house called, Archway Publishing. Robert kept his thoughts to himself, while his friend talked about Archway, as Robert was thinking not much of self publishing in general. Before departing, his friend had to leave for work, he passed along to Robert, newspaper pieces with information about Archway, wasn't just a self pushing house, Archway is part of a Super Commercial publishing house, Simon and Shuster. And being that Archway is connected to a major publishing house, that looked impressive and different, but still felt unsure. For two months, the Archway information sat on Robert's work desk at his apartment, untouched. One day, on one of his days off, he glanced at the papers of Archway, he immediately grabs the information he had on the desk, and Robert began to read it. the more he read, the more he was interested. Finally, Robert signed on with Archway Publishing, knowing he made the right decision.