From Healing to Hell

3rd Edition

by William Henry . Wall Jr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/21/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781665741149
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781665741163
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781665741156

About the Book

William Henry Wall Jr. shares his efforts to clear his father’s name after fifty years of silent grief in From Healing to Hell.

He recounts the needless tragedy of W. Henry Wall, M.D., a successful Southwest Georgia physician who served in the state Senate in the 1940s and 1950s.

After Dr. Wall became unwittingly addicted to a prescription drug, he found himself trapped in a nightmarish chain of events. Arrested on federal drug charges, he was convicted and sentenced to the only U.S. prison for addicts. His community was shocked and his entire family, including the author, then sixteen, devastated.

Dr. Wall discovered he had been incarcerated in an institution approved by the CIA for its notorious MKULTRA drug experiments. Refusing to become a guinea pig, he was nevertheless given the experimental drugs, which led to terrifying hallucinations and violent flashbacks for the rest of his life.

The Wall family’s half-century nightmare should give every American fair warning: While government is essential to protect us, its powers must never be left unchecked.

About the Author

William Henry Wall Jr., a native of Blakely, Georgia, is an Atlanta oral surgeon who previously served on Emory University’s faculty. He was featured in a Wall Street Journal report that highlighted his success as the pioneer inventor of the after-angioplasty stent, the most successful medical device of our time. He has four children and eight grandchildren.