The Reaper’s Dance

1,000 Days of COVID

by Ravi R. Iyer M.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781665744737
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781665744720
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781665744713

About the Book

From the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia to the bat infested caves of Wuhan, China, this book traces the myriad networks of the virus that brought the world to its knees.

Ravi R. Iyer, M.D. gives readers a ringside seat to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the calculations of those who influenced the fate of millions and the science that saved the world.

The author analyzes the various forces and decisions that unleashed the most catastrophic disaster mankind has experienced in this century while zeroing in on the horror, pain, struggles, and triumphs of common people who faced the coronavirus.

Written in a fast-flowing style, the book explores how patients battled the disease and how science may have unleashed it on the world.

From the failures of governments and leaders to the triumphs of individual men, The Reaper’s Dance is a story of the tapestry of human hubris and humility, courage, and cowardice with an enduring cautionary message for all mankind.

About the Author

Ravi R. Iyer, M.D., a native of Mumbai, is the founding physician and president of The Iyer Clinics-LMG in Fairfax and Loudoun County, Virginia, and the director of clinical research for Loudoun Medical Group. He is a physician-scientist, inventor with several patents, and entrepreneur who has been published in research publications. He is also the founder and CEO of ActivPower, Inc., a nutrition and wellness company. He divides his time between his Internal Medicine practice, his clinical research, family, and his two German shepherds.