by Barbara G. Kruk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/26/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781665762229
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781665762243
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781665762236

About the Book

Michael Pearson a handsome, brilliant, and ruthless international conman, was ready for a change. With scrupulous attention to research, he methodically transforms himself into the personification of a Major in the United States Army. His transformation now complete, Major Michael Pearson sets his sights on the playground of the rich and famous. He heads to the south shore of eastern Long Island, New York where he converges upon the Hamptons social scene primed and ready to find his next mark. By chance he reads an ad in the local newspaper about a real estate agent. The photo of the beautiful Abigail Baxter captivates him. By instinct he knows she’s the one. Like a hunter stalking his prey, he baits, then captures her heart and her mind. After the tragic death of her husband, Abigail Baxter’s life became an existence. For the first six months she secluded herself from the world. At the insistence of her seventeen year old son Carter, she sought help to overcome the emotional prison she had sentenced herself to. She was on the mend but not healed which translated to the perfect patsy for the diabolical scheme of a world class confidence man. What Michael Pearson never suspected was the strength and fortitude that his would be victim would find within herself. When Commander Jonathan Meyers, the leader of a global Intelligence Crime Unit, is enlisted by Scotland Yard to help capture a nefarious thief and conman, he is excited to lend his expertise and unblemished record for captures. Little did he know that this case would change his life forever. What ensues is a battle of wits where two equally matched opponents try desperately to outdo the other against a ticking clock. With the resources of his elite team of investigators, Commander Jonathan Meyers is determined to not only capture this international criminal but to save Abigail from his clutches. Who will be the victor?

About the Author

A     glimpse into the life of Barbara Guarino Kruk, author, entrepreneur, and contributing journalist. Born in Brooklyn, New York and raised on the south shore of Long Island, she has a bachelor’s degree from Long Island University and attended classes at Harvard University in pursuit of her Masters of Creative Writing. After her husband had a traumatic brain injury that altered their lives forever, Barbara was encouraged by a professor at Southampton College, to write as a means of channeling her depression. She soon realized that she had always been a storyteller. She has written a non-fiction book Connie’s Story, A Triumph of Love, about surviving and coping with brain injury. She soon embarked on a series of historical romance fiction following the exploits of a young Italian heiress during the 1700’s which produced three novels Lucia Mistress of Monteforte, The Ruby Heiress and The Gypsy’s Prophecy and a spinoff novella of one of the characters, The Child Bride. Her most recent works, The Chameleon Chronicles, with the first being The Missing Lieutenant, the second book in this series is entitled, The Forger, are based on a protagonist she encountered in her own life.