by Jeanne Arthur



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/21/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 790
ISBN : 9781665752855
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 790
ISBN : 9781665753821

About the Book

Shakespeare’s Romances is a prose translation of Shakespeare’s nine romantic comedies into Standard English. These translations of Shakespeare’s romances stand on their own so that they may be read quickly and easily, eliminating the need to search for the meaning of every second word of Shakespeare’s original text. As well they are supplemented by explanations of the world in which Shakespeare lived for those who are curious about it. Jeanne Arthur’s Shake Shakespeare’s Hand and make a friend for life translations make Shakespeare’s texts accessible to the ordinary person by clearing away four hundred years of changes to the English language to reveal the fresh liveliness of Shakespeare’s dialogue. She hopes that they will enable the reader or audience member to travel back in time to enjoy the romances Shakespeare wrote for his own audience and make them live in contemporary Western culture once again for many more people. Some lovers of Shakespeare’s writing may object to the idea that his work needs to be translated. However Jeanne Arthur believes that their love of Shakespeare argues for a translation rather than against one. It is over four hundred years since Shakespeare’s death. Not only has the English language evolved since this time but so has the culture of the world. Making a translation of the language enables us to appreciate more accurately the cultural differences and similarities between us and the world he lived in. With the right help our imagination is a wonderful tool that can enable us to move freely into the past, across cultures and into the future. Drama and other fictional forms exploit this capacity that we have to imagine ourselves anywhere and in any time.

About the Author

Jeanne Arthur BA (Honours Drama) is a retired teacher of Drama, English and History who was inspired to translate Shakespeare’s plays into modern English by her students who asked questions about the plays that were not easy to answer even though she had an honors degree in Drama from Flinders University and thirty years of teaching Drama. Retirement gave Jeanne the time and opportunity to write these translations to answer her students’ questions and to allow her to reflect on Shakespeare’s plays at a leisurely pace. She believes the outcome of this experience will be helpful to readers, performers and theatre workers as it brings many years of working on Shakespeare’s plays and poetry to clarify their meaning and create immediately accessible texts supported by thorough explanatory notes about Shakespeare’s world.