Duke : How can you hope for mercy when you give none?
Shylock: What judgement should I fear when I’ve done no wrong? Many of you have purchased slaves which you use in abject and slavish ways like your asses, your dogs and mules because you bought them. Shall I say to you, let them be free—marry them to your heirs? Why do they sweat under heavy loads? Let their beds be as soft as yours and let their palates be seasoned with such foods. You will answer, ‘The slaves are ours.’ That’s my answer to you. The pound of flesh I demand from him was dearly bought. It’s mine and I will have it. If you refuse to let me have it damn your law—there is no force in Venetian law. I am waiting for judgement—answer me—shall I have it?
Duke: I have the power to dismiss the court unless Bellario—an eminent lawyer whom I have sent for to determine this—comes here today.
Salarino: My Lord, a recently arrived messenger from Padua is waiting outside with letters from the lawyer.
Duke: Bring us the letters. Call the messengers.
Bassanio: Cheer up, Antonio. What man. Have courage. The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones and all before you will lose one drop of blood for me.
Antonio: I’m the sick ram in the flock, most suited for death. The weakest kind of fruit drops to the ground earliest, so let me. Bassanio you can’t be better employed than to keep living and write my epitaph.
Nerrissa/clerk enters.
Duke: Have you come from Padua—from Bellario?
Nerrissa/clerk: From both. My Lord Bellario sends his greetings to your Grace.
Bassanio: Why are you sharpening your knife so earnestly?
Shylock: To cut my bond out of that bankrupt there.
Gratiano: Harsh Jew, you’re sharpening your knife not on your sole but on your soul. You’re sharpening your knife but no metal is—no—not the hangman’s axe—is half as sharp as your sharp malice. Can’t any prayers influence you?
Shylock: None that you have enough brains to make.
Gratiano: Damn you, you relentless dog. Let the law stand accused for your life. You almost make me doubt my faith and agree with Pythagoras that animals’ souls infuse themselves into men’s bodies. Your currish spirit entered a wolf that hanged for the slaughter of a man. Its cruel soul fled straight from the gallows and while you lay in your ungodly mother it infused itself in you. Your desires are wolfish, bloody, malevolent and ravenous.
Shylock: Until you can argue the seal off my bond you’re only hurting your lungs to shout so loud. Improve your mind young man or it will fall into eternal ruin. I’m here for the law.
Duke: This letter from Bellario commends a young and learned lawyer to the court. Where is he?
Nerrissa/clerk: He’s waiting nearby to know your answer—if you’ll admit him.
Duke: I’m happy to. Three or four of you conduct him courteously to this place. In the meantime the court shall hear Bellario's letter. (The Duke reads the letter from Bellario to the court)
"Your Grace, I received your letter at a time when I am very sick but at the instant your messenger arrived, Balthazar, a young lawyer friend from Rome was visiting me. I told him about the controversy between the Jew and Antonio, the merchant. We turned over many books together. He has my opinion—bettered by his own learning—which I cannot recommend highly enough and he comes at my request to take the place your Grace requested me to fill. Please don’t let his youth stand in the way of your good estimation. I never knew such a young body with so old a head. I ask you to accept him graciously. The trial will demonstrate his accomplishments more."
You have heard what the learned Bellario has written.
Portia enters as Balthazar.
I take it this is the lawyer. Give me your hand. Have you come from old Bellario?
Portia/Balthazar: I have, my Lord.
Duke: You are welcome. Take your place. Are you acquainted with the dispute that this court has been called to hear?
Portia/Balthazar: I am thoroughly informed of the cause. Which is the merchant? Which is the Jew?
Duke Antonio and Shylock come forward.
Portia/Balthazar: Is your name Shylock?
Shylock: Shylock is my name.
Portia/Balthazar: The suit you pursue is unusual but the Venetian law cannot stop you from proceeding with it. (To Antonio) You are under threat from him aren’t you?
Antonio: Yes, so he says.
Portia/Balthazar: Do you admit to the bond?
Antonio: I do.
Portia/Balthazar: Then the Jew must be merciful.
Shylock: Why must I? Tell me that.
Portia/Balthazar: Mercy is not a quality that is forced. It drops like the gentle rain from the sky on the earth below. It’s blessed twice—it blesses anyone who gives it and anyone who takes it. It’s mightiest in the mightiest. It suits a throned monarch better than his crown. His sceptre shows the force of earthly power; the attributes of respect and majesty in which sits the dread and fear of kings but mercy is greater than this sceptred power. It is enthroned in the hearts of kings—it is an attribute of God himself and earthly power shows itself to be most like God’s when mercy flavours justice. So Jew, though justice is your demand, consider this; that in applying justice none of us will be saved. We pray for mercy and that prayer teaches us all to act mercifully. I have said all this to mitigate the justice of your case which, if you pursue it, this strict Venetian court will be forced to make a sentence against the merchant there.
Shylock: I accept the consequence of my actions. I crave the law, the penalty and the forfeit of my bond.