The first weeks of winter 1988 catapulted Ronny’s visit to Canada from a harmless one into an arranged marriage shrouded in secrecy, steeped in black magic with stains of bloodied fingerprints. Like his bride Ava, he is unaware of the dangers that now brew behind the scenes of their recent alliance. Her parents neither cared about her happiness nor did they expect the young couple to fall in love. This was intended to be a marriage of their convenience and a means to her end. Fiercely passionate in their purpose, they will stop at nothing to end their marriage. Thrown into a life of chaos the love they share is completely forbidden, and hopelessly unexplainable.
As her family’s secrets begin to unravel, it mercilessly tortures the young couple through intimidation and the conjurings of supernatural curses. The dangerous secrets hidden behind their expressionless eyes correspond well inside her family’s prison walls. Devil worshippers, satanists, dark sorcerers and covens of even darker witches all of the underworld, work in tandem to torture and claim Ava entirely. Unbeknownst to Ava at the time, there existed a specific purpose and promise signed in blood for her abduction made years ago.
Unwilling to abandon their matrimony and against all odds, their bond with each other proved to be unbreakable. Ava soon discovers that she is no more a member of her own family than Ronny is. Her family’s wealth and reputation sufficiently blinded others to the injustices occurring. Any stones cast towards their house vaporized into dust, and their glass house of horrors always remained intact. Ronny is no stranger to the mystical workings of the universe as he himself has been blessed with the added protection of the profound Jinns; the Islamic spirits that were sometimes known to possess humans. Ava knows not of the powers she carries within her, for her family continues to syphon her energy and memories.
Based on actual events Ava's biological parents suffered an untimely death years ago. Brutally butchered by the very people who would then greedily claim baby Ava as their own. Her biological parents’ wealth meant for her, is stolen forever by this family. For this crime their fates were sealed, by inadvertently spending the next several decades sleeping with their nemesis… but not before sending the young couple to hell and back…
It takes a mountain of courage for Ronny’s bride to avenge her parent's deaths and to secretly maintain a vigil for their murders ~ for her dead do not rest in peace. Ronny is his bride’s pillar of strength who finds himself in the role of a surrogate parent, as well as being her husband, and her only confidant. The demands of this impossible task reaches several tipping points as he desperately tries to navigate his way through unknown territory. Facing a life of imminent doom and sinking into the unbearable depths of despair, Ava discovers herself back in the past choosing to settle the score. This course correction would resurrect the dead and calendar what was to come next. After careful analysis and consideration Ava reveals her weapon of choice before accessing her inevitable road to redemption...