A Fire Hydrant's Revenge

by Christian Sigmon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665760928
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665760942
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665760935

About the Book

A fire hydrant has a solitary existence; he is a permanent fixture in cement next to the street. He can withstand all kinds of weather, and people often kick him, splash him, or sit on him. He has seen many different events—with happiness and joy or pain and tears.

One day is particularly horrible. First, a car accident happens right in front of him. Traffic slows, and there are sirens, yelling, and honking all around him. Even after that gets cleared away, things do not get better. A dog escapes from its owner and runs around the neighborhood, going from tree to tree and bush to bush, marking everything he can. Then the dog spots the fire hydrant and makes a mad dash. What happens next is the birth of a neighborhood legend.

In this children’s story, a fire hydrant takes revenge when a rampaging dog decides to mark his territory in the wrong spot.

About the Author

Christian Sigmon is a retired educator, and a mother of three. When she is not out traveling or camping, she is home in New Mexico. A Fire Hydrant’s Revenge was inspired by walks she took with her miniature schnauzer, Bailey. Like all dogs, he marked his territory on anything and everything.