Every Robin Sings...
or The Importance of Being Your Own Poet
Book Details
About the Book
Every Robin Sings… shares what was a surprise to the author – and largely why he wrote the book. Poetry is powerful - a tool - one of life’s great game changers – while yet a far more powerful tool – private poetry – at our fingertips – often - is missed or dismissed. Passing through this all too brief adventure of consciousness – without a voice – verses – of our own – is one of the more serious forms of poverty. Interestingly – writing a poem is not about the poem – but the process of learning to live – poetically. To illustrate the process and power of our private written words – 23 of the author's once private poems make the case – sharing insights into poem creation, stories, and life altering impacts –and ranging in topics, styles, forms, and genres. Our astonishing futures begin as poems.
About the Author
Joel Fullmer experienced broad careers in service, sales, design, development, implementation, and management - in both government and corporate sectors - without a college degree. Writing both technical and strategic material – there were also numerous speeches, grants, business plans, first place national and state awards, presentations – and bilingual international conference materials – none of which prepared him to suspect private poetry solved problems. An epiphany brought a dawning, that learning to live in this moment – poetically – was gifting an astonishing future far exceeding his heart's desires – plus streaming adventures – among them global travels, play writing, and acting in theater productions and films. Presently, a published poet – he has a degree - from the University of Wisconsin – in business – and lives by the Jersey shore.