Ruff, Ruff on Virginia Beach

by Michele Jeanmarie Illustrated by Fajar Shobaru Moch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781665762144
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781665762137

About the Book

Beautiful Virginia Beach stretches almost five miles and is flanked by the Atlantic Ocean and sprawling residential hotels. Chela got up close and personal on her daily walks with many of its residents, their dogs, and their habits. Bench press-ers, surfers, and dog walkers, runners, sailors and tankers, bikers, skaters, and people watchers are a sight much to admire. “Ruff, Ruff on Virginia Beach” is a destination site.

About the Author

Michele Jeanmarie spent most of her formative years in Panamá, secured her Bachelor of Arts and master’s degree from University of California (UCLA) and California State University at Los Angeles (CSULA), respectively. She furthered her education at Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain in children’s pedagogy, methodology and theatre. She became a Fulbright scholar and taught at St. Michael’s Primary RC (Roman Catholic) in Glasgow, Scotland. She enjoys gourmet cooking and baking, notwithstanding, eating at fine dining; she commences her day with 90-minute walk, spends much of her time watching documentaries and foreign films, food shows and home improvement shows; she is life-long learner and consequently is always seeking deeper understanding, where much is clarified in theology.