A Trip Back in Time and Dreams Fulfilled

by John M. Noldan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/15/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781665765251
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781665765268
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781665765275

About the Book

The story is a fictionalized semi-autobiographical effort done in the first person narrative starting in Medias Res with flashbacks that reveal a very dysfunctional family life and the personal struggles and sacrifices required to survive there and achieve what no one else in the family could do. The negative effects of parental alcoholism, mental and physical abuse, and poverty and a very long road of education chosen for its difficulty as a challenge and an assured exit from his early years. After a life long experience in Medicine, the only assurance we have is our beginning and our end. We can’t chose our family at birth but we adapt as best we can. We survive by finding a place of peace and chose those we associate with to help us through the rough patches. Some have to escape their past for a better future and create plans as to how to do this. We reach crossroads and have to chose what path we are to follow. Some decisions may be easy but others require sacrifices that are very personal and cannot be undone. In the final analysis, can we say it was worth it all? Some might say that we should appreciate all that we are blessed with and there are really no “re-do’s” in life. But the one assurance we have is that there will be peace for all of us in the end.

About the Author

John M. Noldan was born in Chester, Pa and raised dirt poor in the farming districts of Southern New Jersey. Born into conflict at home but flourished in school nurtured by teachers and schoolmates. When graduating high school in 1962, he proudly became the first one on all sides of his family to do so since they entered the US in 1905. After 53 years as an active licensed practitioner of Medicine, he retired but not his desire to write. This novel is fictionalized and semi-autobiographical but ideas surface each day to help put into words for the reader to be able to visualize and feel what the everyman does as he matures. So common yet unique of an experience that we all identify with it in some way.