Motherland Band

A Novel

by Ossi Tager



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/12/2025

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781665770484
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781665770477

About the Book

The book is about a small group of war disabled veterans who are trying to rehabilitate themselves and restore their self-confidence while fulfilling an old dream that is common to each and every one of them: practicing the art of music, together as a band. Their injury shatters their dreams and changes their lives forever, a fact that cannot be argued with. The odds seem all against them and the physical limitations are not the only ones, but their will is strong. The return of music into their lifes encourages their recovery, and proves to them time after time that despite the injury hope is not lost, and there is still a zest for life.

This story emphasizes the challenges of dealing with disability and the importance of the support of those around them - family, friends and the community, and the potential of music as a means of mental healing. Through the story of the main character, Benny, the reader goes through a journey of heroism, of truth beyond despair and disappointment, a journey to resurrection. The story follows the power of love, of hope, of mutual giving and brave friendship thanks to which the main character heals and recovers in body and soul.

This is a story that touches each one of us.

About the Author

Ossi is an author whose writing is part of his daily life. In his book, he reflects in a very beautiful and subtle way the state of mind of society. He has the ability to make readers connect and identify with the characters and their experiences, so that they feel the story through them. He also integrates poetry in the book so that the readers can feel and understand deeper the inner and emotional world of the characters.