Welcome to the system for achieving Balance! Creating Balance within all of the Master Focus Areas of your life are included in these five books I’ve created for you. I’ll discuss what the Master Focus Areas are soon!
I hope you are overflowing with excitement to take the first steps on a journey filled with hope, dignity, focus and of course… BALANCE.
I’m also very excited! More excited, than I can put into words, for you giving me the opportunity to share all of the philosophies, lessons and tools, I’ve realized and put into practice, within my own life.
It is very humbling that you bought my series of books. I would first and foremost like to thank you for doing that.
Thank you!
I have truly put my heart and soul into these works and I’m hoping that they will change your life for the better and help you achieve peace and freedom within your own life.
The modern world we have created, as a society, is a swirling stress-filled dust devil of confusion, anxiety and doubt. We all seem to be moving at the speed of light without actually getting anywhere. Busyness for the sake of busyness.
A constant subconscious need to always be available for a phone call, text message or other interruption, at any time of the day, no matter how inconvenient or inappropriate.
Constantly putting up personal walls and creating chasms between our fellow human beings. Searching for anything and everything we can fight and argue about, even with complete strangers.
Creating extreme bullies who at the drop of a dime will attack another person, simply because they don’t agree with what that person has to say.
Our world is one filled with endless work days and ever decreasing personal peace and necessary quiet. Feeling trapped and powerless, with zero ability, to choose our own destiny in this amazing life…
But, wait.
Hold on here.
Close your eyes for a moment and take in a slow deep breath…slowly exhale and then open your eyes.
That’s it.
Look, I’m here to tell you, life doesn’t have to be this way, AT ALL. Life can be full of excitement, healthy relationships, positive daily interactions, time for personal reflection, self-determination and most importantly personal FREEDOM. Freedom to choose how you live your own life.
And, the good news is all of this can be accomplished relatively quickly, with a good amount of work. Like President Ronald Reagan said, “Good habits are hard to break”. So, let’s get some solid and good habits going immediately within your life.
By utilizing certain philosophies, developing specific life-skills, instituting the right habits and working on the most important Master Focus Areas of your life, you can actually achieve BALANCE within your own life.
Balance is so important when creating the fullest life possible, that I’ve even capitalized the word, throughout these books! Balance is seriously that important. Balance is also the key to living the most satisfying and healthy life available to you and those around you. And, that’s what this system is designed to do, give YOU Balance. So, make the choice right now to live a life of Balance.
In fact, let’s make it known.
Well, at least known to yourself. Because you are the most important person in this process.
I want you to do something for me.
Head to the nearest room with a mirror or a reflective surface.
I want you to look directly at yourself in that reflection.
Say these critical words out loud to yourself, with conviction, I am making the choice to live a life of Balance.
Great job!
You’ve taken the first step to achieving a Balanced life. It’s okay to smile at yourself in that reflection now, you deserve it!
Now that you’ve made the choice to live a life of Balance, I need you to do something for me.
As you read my words, contemplate my thoughts and learn my Balance Life System, I need you to think with your mind and feel with your heart.
I need you to focus on the Master Focus Areas I present to you in this work. This specific focus is essential to understanding and applying this process to your own life and achieving Balance.
Obviously, I have captured my ideas, viewpoints and personal focus to help spark your own personal journey in achieving Balance.
However, when it comes down to it, you are you… a very unique and personal YOU. Therefore, as you traverse through the mountains of my thoughts, it’s essential that you apply your own critical thinking and personal viewpoint to how you will implement positive change within your life and create your own Balanced experience.
Thank you again for cracking open my books!
Now, let’s GET TO WORK!