A Hap-hap-py Day
Let’s GO! Series—Book Two

Book Details
About the Book
While it’s great fun sipping Juneberry swirl punch and watching bright stickies wave from a spinning globe, Booker T. Bear and his best friend, Dahlya Dragonfly, quickly become bored. Booker suggests they travel to see the Cubs play, but Dahlya doesn’t agree. She reminds Booker that he “is” a cub and he’s seen lots of ballgames. She insists on an exotic adventure.
In this second adventurous book, Booker puts on his Jet-Away jacket and says the magic verse that transports them to a spectacular location far across the globe: a tropical mountain rainforest. They open their eyes to a village of beasts led by a powerfully proud and commanding king—until his cute and infectiously funny young daughter swings in.
Amara is ready for a jungle party in honor of their two guests, Booker and Dahlya. But will her silly antics and pleading to her “Poppie” save the day? Will the mighty King Moyo welcome their guests to stay and play?
Bright-eyed and precocious, Amara excitedly sings out an invitation to creatures near and far. Booker and Dahlya wonder what creatures will be brave enough to come to a jungle buffet at the fierce king’s table? What strange foods will Booker and Dahlya eat? What wild creatures will they meet?
About the Author
About the Author, Jen Jellyfish, M.M. . . .
A silly southern mom, Jen Jellyfish, M.M., ‘Magination Maker, has been
writing whimsical rhymes, stories, and songs since her childhood. She
loves her work as an author, writer, and book editor.
Jen and her husband have a Marine veteran son, a creative daughter,
and pets: dogs, cats, aquatic frogs, and fish. They live in the Midwest,
surrounded by fields of corn, pumpkins, soybeans, and . . . dragonflies!
Jen is consumed with the joy of reading, writing, rhyming, and playing with graphic design. She
especially enjoyed creating the colorful template of Dahlya Dragonfly for the illustrators’ print design.
Like Dahlya, Jen LOVES words; her favorite game is Scrabble. She also loves film, theater, creative cooking, and travel adventures. She has a deep appreciation and respect for all-things-creative and for nature.
Jen Jellyfish, M.M. would love to hear from you! jenjellyfish@BookerTBear.com